Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A Bible Story – David and Saul

   Dear Faith Readers,

   Being a life-long scripture reader, God's Word has helped me to understand many trials. However, by understanding my plights, that hasn’t always made me feel better. Often times the increased anxiety of wisdom is equally painful.
   Just like today, in many of my favorite bible passages, the character in the story goes through horrific trials. Knowing that my biblical brothers and sisters suffered for their faith doesn’t always help me to feel better.
A Bible Story - David and Saul
   You probably think I’m referring to  Job.  His testing is considered by many to be the harshest in the history of mankind.  I don’t know if that's true or not since testings go on every day in God’s kingdom. I have read about many testings. I have also endured many of my own testings – some more severe than others.
   I'm referring to the trials that David endured. If you recall, Saul and his armies had been pursuing him  for some time. Saul’s goal was to kill David. In the cave, David had an opportunity to kill Saul and spared his life; he crept behind him.
   Have you ever known someone who is truly gifted? That was David. He was gifted in music, in appearance, and in battle skills. Everything about him displayed God’s favor. Were all of those gifts and recognition easy for him to live with? David would have been the first person to say no. These gifts caused jealousy. His gifts also caused him to sin.
   God speaks about jealousy in Exodus 20:17, You shall not covet…
   In 1 Samuel 18.6,7; When the men returned home after battle, the women sang the praises about and to David for slaying ten times as many Philistines as Saul. Saul burned with jealousy. In Vs. 10, God put an evil spirit into Saul. I believe just like with Saul, God uses evil spirits for his work today. If  someone is jealous, that is an invitation for trouble – an open door for temptation.
   It can be very difficult to accept that someone  simply has more gifts. It is important to accept that fact and don’t fall into jealous temptation. That was true in David’s time and it’s true in our time. It will be true in the future. Jealousy is a dangerous temptation. Follow God's Word and make the personal decision to avoid the trap.

   In Christ's Service,
   Shepard Cross


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